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Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Blog

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Regional Rainwater Harvesting Potential Mapping through Geoinformatics
The Regional Water Harvesting Potential Mapping Project implemented by #ICARDA & #FAO and funded by Swedish International Development...
Jul 28, 20244 min read

Suez Canal blockage, Satellite remote sensing's perspective
Suez canal blockage as seen from space borne satellite remote sensing
Mar 28, 20211 min read

Create informative Time-lapse using geemap package
Time-Lapse creation using Python based geemap package that utilizes Google Earth Engine's computing capabilities.
Mar 27, 20211 min read

Google Earth Engine for Agri monitoring: short Demo
Short Demo on Google Earth Engine for high frequency agri monitoring
Oct 22, 20201 min read

Global database of urban heat islands (UHI)
The URBAN HEAT ISLANDS (UHI) data developed by Yale university, YCEO. Its Google Earth Engine App and code Snippet for accessing data.
Sep 27, 20202 min read

Global croplands data at 30m resolution by USGS
The USGS is working on a project entitled "Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data at 30 m (GFSAD30)" to develop global cropland at 30m.
Aug 18, 20202 min read

Various Platform, Sensors and Image Classification for Precision Agriculture: An Intro
An International Online short course on “Precision Agriculture: ” PPT, Lecture-demo recording and QA
Aug 2, 20201 min read

NASA, ESA and JAXA's collaborative dashboard to monitor the worldwide impacts of COVID19
All three agencies mutually agreed to share their satellite data to develop this tool that can provide great insight into the worldwide impa
Jun 28, 20201 min read

A web platform for assessing COVID-19 impact on Crop Harvesting and Air Pollution
The near-real-time remote sensing analytics of Google Earth Engine for crop harvest fallow mapping and Air pollution monitoring
May 13, 20201 min read

Remote sensing applications to groundwater: Book
A very good Remote Sensing book on Groundwater by the UNESCO digital library. The first author Dr. Meijerink is a Professor emeritus at ITC.
Apr 16, 20201 min read

Geoinformatics for Next generation phenotyping to develop climate resilient rice varieties
The research study deals with different components of next generation phenomics for characterizing rice genotypes for water deficit...
Jun 25, 20192 min read

Thermal imaging and Hyperspectral remote sensing for crop water deficit stress monitoring
Summary Water deficit in crops induces a stress that may ultimately result in low production. Identification of response of genotypes...
Jun 7, 20192 min read

PDF E-Book: Google Earth Engine
About Google Earth Engine Google Earth Engine has made it possible for the first time in history to rapidly and accurately process vast...
May 8, 20192 min read

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Handbook: Free E-Book for Forest Monitoring & Biomass Estimation
SERVIR, a joint venture between NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development is working to enhance capacity around the world in...
May 6, 20191 min read

Python code to Convert Layer-stacked Images into same Projection and Create a Mosaiced Image
(Code developed by Gopal Krishna) Programming languages are faster than the GUIs. Specially, when we have to process lots of images,...
Mar 3, 20191 min read

Image Resolution Enhancement using spectral sharpening
The spectral sharpening methods are very much useful for image resolution enhancement. It has been observed that few satellite sensors...
Feb 17, 20184 min read
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