Spatiotemporal analysis refers to an analysis having both spatial extension and temporal duration. Remote sensing has provided a great tool to quantify changes using satellite data in our area of interest. Population of Indian cities is growing rapidly. That is why human need for shelter is also growing day by day, resulting in fast urbanization. This study uses remote sensing and GIS approaches to delineate the urban growth resulting in decrease of agricultural land. In this study, it is analyzed as to how much change has taken place in a time span of two decades and five years, mainly emphasizing on change and growth of residential, commercial and industrial structures on agricultural land. The use of a time-series of Landsat data to classify the urban footprints since 1986 has enabled detection of spatial and temporal urban sprawl and urban development in the explosively growing large urban agglomerations of the two metropolitan cities of Noida and Greater Noida. In this study, a spatiotemporal analysis using three Landsat scenes of 25 years of time span, aims at the detection of the changes and the urban footprints in Noida and Greater Noida and its surroundings. (click the underline part to go to journal's page)
