Year 2019's journey has come to an end. This year we have witnessed a lots of interesting satellite images. Let's take a look at some of them-
1- Mesmerizing view of Jupiter

(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Prateek Sarpal)
This image was captured by NASA's Juno Spacecraft. This view of Jupiter was created by citizen scientist Prateek Sarpal by using the data captured by JunoCam instrument. Sarpal named this creation, "A mind of limits, a camera of thoughts."
2- The Moon passes in-front of the SUN

(Image credit : NOAA, US)
NOAA’s GOES-16 satellite used its Solar Ultraviolet Imager to capture the Moon passing in front of the Sun on February 5, 2019. What a fabulous image it is :)
3-The North Pole of MARS

(Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/Kevin M. Gill and
The swirls visible in the imagery are spiral troughs of ice and dust on north pole of the red planet Mars. Picture was created by scientist Kevin Gill using the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter.
4-The Cargo Supplier Dragon Reaches ISS

(Image Credit: NASA)
This small satellite is SpaceX's Dragon CRS-19 cargo supply ship. It reached International Space Station on 8 Dec and astronauts used Canadarm2 robotic arm to reach out and grapple the incoming spacecraft. It carried 2585 kg of supply and science instruments for ISS astronauts.
5-The Hurricane Dorian as observed from satellite

(Image Credit: NOAA)
The NOAA's GOES-16 satellites captured this beautiful image of Hurricane Dorian. The eye of major Hurricane Dorian approaching Abaco Island, Bahamas, on September 1, 2019.
6- The expansion of Shanghai

(Image credit: NASA)
The most widely practiced application of Remote Sensing is the change detection. This one is the classic example of change detection. The china's one of the most rapidly growing metropolitan city Shanghai has reclaimed land from shallow ocean water.
7- Corn in the snow

(Image credit: NASA)
Daryl Ritchison, Director, the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network, Posted an image on Twitter saying that “I am 100 percent sure it is all corn.” Above image has been captured by Landsat 7 ETM+ on 03 December, 2019. This image shows that whole area is covered by snow but there are few brown patches where snow is not visible, these area the corn fields.
The brown color of some patches doesn’t mean a lack of snow; about 6-10 inches of the white stuff is simply hidden from view. “The corn is planted at what is referenced as ‘row closure,’” Ritchison said. “Corn is touching corn, so the snow on the ground wouldn’t be visible from the air or satellite.”(Source: Earth observatory, NASA)
8- ESA-NASA Astronaut in Space to repair ISS's Spectrometer

(Image Credit: NASA)
on Nov 15, European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano "stands" on the end of the International Space Station's (ISS) Canadarm2 robotic arm during the first of four spacewalks to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment together with NASA astronaut Drew Morgan.
9- The shield of instrument removed from job and flung into space as debris

(Image Credit: NASA)
The shield that once protected Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer of ISS was removed by two astronauts and seen flinging into space as debris.
10- The Saturn rings, the rare closest view

(Image Credit: NASA)
Saturn is so beautiful that astronomers cannot resist using the Hubble Space Telescope to take yearly snapshots of the ringed world when it is near its closest distance to Earth. (source: Hubble site, NASA)
11- Earth As viewed by Chandrayaan 2 LI4 camera on 03 Aug2019

(Image Credit: ISRO)
12- Moon as viewed by Terrain Mapping Camera of Chandrayaan 2

(Image Credit: ISRO)
13- Kumbha Mela in India as Viewed by IRS-Cartosat2

(Image Credit: ISRO)
Kumbha mela is an auspicious gathering of hindus on the bank of holy river Gangas. This is one of the biggest gathering in the word. This year (2019) Kumbha mela was organized in Prayagraj city of Uttar Pradesh State of India.
14- China accomplishes first landing on the far side of moon (The Yutu-2 Rover)

(Image Credit: © China National Space Administration/AFP/Getty Images)
15- The cyclone Idai triggered landslides in Chimanaimani national park, Zimbabwe

(Image credit: Planet Labs Skysat images)
The Idai cyclone triggered a devastating landslide in Chimanimani district of Zimbabwe. As reported by, ''The images show that there are multiple landslides across the landscape. The red colour of the landslide scars indicates deeply weathered soils, which are prone to failure in intense rainfall events. The initial slips, generally high on the slope, have triggered failure downslope, allowing the volume of the landslide to increase. That debris has combined in the channels to form the debris flows that have caused the losses downstream. Note that this area has been extensively deforested, which may explain the high incidence of landslides on this occasion."
16- The flooding in Mozambique by Idai cyclone

(Image credit: NASA Worldview, EOSDIS)
Tropical Cyclone Idai barreled into southern Africa. in mid-March 2019, leaving a deadly path of destruction in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe.
Above images shows before and after satellite data of Mozambique. In image of 25th March, vast area can be seen under flood.
17- First ever imagery of a Black Hole

(Image credit: - © National Science Foundation/Getty Images)
Captured by the Event Horizon Telescope, the first ever image of a black hole was released on this day. Located in the Messier 87 galaxy, the black hole is 500 million trillion km away from Earth and nearly three million times the size of our planet (source: MSN).
18- Amazon fire

(Image credit: NASA, Date: August 19, 2019)

(Image credit: NASA) Beautiful analysis depicted on map, about fire incidents during August 15-22, 2019 as seen by MODIS Terra and Aqua satellite.
With the fire season in the Amazon approaching its midpoint, scientists using NASA satellites to track fire activity have confirmed an increase in the number and intensity of fires in the Brazilian Amazon in 2019, making it the most active fire year in that region since 2010 (credit: Earth Observatory, NASA).
19- Satellite imagery showing submarines

Submarines in Russia as seen by Pléiades satellite (Image Credit: Airbus)
20- First imagery of Korean satellite GEOKOMPSAT-2A

(Image credit: CIMSS Satellite Blog)
The Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) has released its first true-color image created with data from the AMI sensor on the GEOKOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) satellite that was launched in late 2018. This first image from GK2A is experimental and preliminary, just like the initial images from Himawari-8 ( Japanese weather satellite ), Himawari-9, GOES-16 and GOES-17 were preliminary: all newly-launched satellites go through a check-out period during which radiometric and geometric calibration work is ongoing. That is what is happening with the GK2A satellite now (as on Feb 04, 2019). Despite the preliminary nature of the GK2A imagery, however, it can be paired with Himawari-8 imagery to create stereoscopic views of the Earth — in true color! (source and credit: CIMSS Satellite Blog)
21- Lift of Chandrayaan-2 of ISRO, India and artistic creation of rover landing
(Video credit: ISRO)
Hope you enjoyed this imagery collection. Please like the post by clicking on heart in lower right side at the end of this post.
Gopal Krishna
PhD (Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing)
New Delhi, India. (profile)